and mirrors. Many articles will also tell you that it’s only about hands on healing, meditation or channelling rods. But, oh it’s so much more. So here is the truth about Egyptian healing.
Egyptian healing is and was a way of life, of being attuned with each other, nature and the self. Ancient Egyptians lived with a great understanding of themselves both spirituality and medically- to them it was the same. Their ability to heal was profound. A buffalo suffering in the field was cured with the steam of fruits and water by combining knowledge and respect of the body and the environment. These are not idle stories, but actual medical accounts written on papyrus thousands of years ago, and still here for us all to see. A washer woman near the Nile who was no priestess or master of the deeper mysteries, could cure a headache by charging the vibrational energy of the water, while farmers used geometry and magnetic forces, only understood by physicists today, to grow crops and toil the land. To us it is a time of myth and legend; to them it was truth and science.
Who is to say that our understanding of the human body is greater than ancient Egyptians, whose architectural majesty and surgical precision in mummification still baffle scientists today?Cornelius Stetter, author ofThe Secret Medicine of Pharoahs: Ancient Egyptian Healing wrote “The Nile is considered the cradle of medicine…. and physicians of ancient Egypt performed skilful surgery. Even today, we can still learn from their secrets, which are 4500 years old.”
The ancient Egyptians knew that the pattern of the Universe was reflected in the human body. Medical papyri, hieroglyphs and sculptures from Egypt teach us that the nine fold pattern of the Universe corresponds to the nine spiritual bodies of you and me. Our bodies are not just a map of the Universe but a link to it as well. The first four are related to the elements of nature and the following five exist in another Space and Time.
Ren the first body, is your DNA blueprint coded with your history, karma and memory. The second body is Ab, the Heart Centre consciousness, which is the heart connection between every being. Third is Akh, the Luminous body or connection between the human body and the Creator. Khaibit is the Electromagnetic field- Aura or fourth body, which reflects thought patterns of the mind and connections on Earth. Fifth is Ka, the Dark Matter Chemical Body- the first connection between our body and the physical Universe. Ba, the sixth or Dark Matter Heart Consciousness allows us to experience beyond our physical body’s limitation by connecting to others across dimensions. The Dark Matter Etheric seventh body, Khat, allows us access to experiences in different dimensions and planes of existence to expand our consciousness. Sahu the eighth body, the Dark Matter Light Body is like the tip of the Pyramids- a receiver of cosmic light and higher communication. Sekhem, the final ninth spiritual body is a portal between the elemental and Dark Matter bodies. It is our ‘oneness’ with the cosmic forces- the initial black before the ‘Big Bang’, the point of creation at which we were all one.
Sekhem is also the name of a healing method, and is associated with the lion headed goddess of healing and destruction, Sekmet. It can be used to clear blockages that occur in each of the spiritual bodies.
Healers can channel the ‘Chi’ or ‘Living light Energy’ which flow continuously to the main organs of the body through the 12 meridians or channels, spoken of in traditional Chinese medicine. Egyptian healing rods can act as a tool through which ‘prana’, ‘chi’ or life energy is channelled. These rods are portrayed in sculptures and hieroglyphs of Pharaohs and were considered an important part of their rule and health. They are hollow cylindrical rods of copper or zinc, which are designed according to Egyptian sacred geometry and contain crystals which lend their energy to the magnetic power.
These rods can also induce a higher state of meditation or consciousness and help to expand psychic awareness, and while they do not directly rid the body of disease, they have the ability to balance your energy and chakras and release negative vibrations. Although the rods can be shared between healings following a cleansing, they become attuned with your personal energy so that they vibrate in synchronicity with the atoms of your body.
It’s odd to think I’m about to quote Men in Black but the message rings true, “Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the centre of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat… Imagine what you’ll know tomorrow.”
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