Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Two Steps to Develop a Strategy

The first thing you will want to do is make a written list of every objection to using an agent possible a person who is trying to sell their own house can come up with. Write down everything you can think of and then ask your friends and family every reason they can think of as well. It doesn’t matter how unlikely you think they might be; list them all. Really work at this because the longer the list, the more likely you are to discover all the possible reasons you will eventually hear from actual owners.

Next, you will want to develop an answer to every objection you came up with. Do this now, when you have a chance to work on a proper answer. Be sure you answer every one of these objections in two parts. The first part should give an explanation to the seller why they should have an agent rather than sell on their own, and the second part must offer them an additional benefit for doing so.

As an example, if you ask the seller if they will work with you if you were to bring them a buyer, would you be prepared with whatever response they gave? What if they said, “How much will it cost me?” or “Why would you do such a thing?” The answers are all right there in your head but will you answer convincingly if you have not thought them through?

Keep in mind, statistically many sellers eventually end up working with an agent and it is often the agent who took a real interest in them and their home who will get the job. So when the opportunity arises to give free advice to an FSBO, do so gladly and with empathy for you truly know how tough a task they have set for themselves.

Remember, you will never convince all FSBO’s to hire you no matter what you say or do, but you can win many of them over if you are prepared with an honest, believable, and direct answer to any question they may ask.

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